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Contract Class#

The Contract class is a fundamental component in our system, representing a smart contract on the blockchain. It provides a typed, structured way to interact with and manage onchain contract interactions.


A Contract instance encapsulates the following key elements:

  • Contract address
  • Contract Interface

Key Features#

  1. Method Invocation: Call contract methods easily.
  2. Event Listening: Subscribe to and handle contract events.
  3. State Reading: Read the current state of the contract.
  4. Transaction Sending: Send transactions to modify the contract state.

Basic Usage#

The real focus is on making it easier to interact with deployed smart contracts and having some greater type safety. For example, say you want to interact with a contract you just deployed, ie:

contract MyContract {
    function foo(address[] users) external returns(bool success) {}

Rather than copying the abi into a JSON file, you can create a typed contract interface:

from typing import Annotated

from eth_rpc.contract import ProtocolBase, ContractFunc
from eth_rpc import Transaction
from eth_rpc.wallet import PrivateKeyWallet
from eth_rpc.types import METHOD, HexStr, Name, primitives

class MyContract(ProtocolBase):
    foo: ContractFunc[
        list[primitives.address],  # input type is a list of addresses
        Annotated[bool, Name("success")],  # response type is a boolean
    ] = METHOD # this is necessary for the type checker to recognize it as a contract method

contract = MyContract(address="<Contract Address>")
# create a wallet for yourself
wallet = PrivateKeyWallet(private_key=os.environ["PK"])

# call it without execution:
response: bool = await['0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045', ...]).call(

# or call it with execution:
tx_hash: HexStr = await['0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045', ...]).execute(wallet)
tx: Transaction[Ethereum] = await Transaction[Ethereum].get_by_hash(tx_hash)