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Blocks RPC Methods#

Fee History#

We can also load the FeeHistory for a series of blocks to help plan our transaction:

fee_history = await Block.fee_history(
    block_number=20_000_000,  # by default this is set to "latest"
# fee_history.base_fee_per_gas == [5104157871, 5171340881, 5004025121, 4936957716, 4776082506]

This shows the base_fee_per_gas for the last four blocks, so you can accurately estimate the minimum base_fee_per_gas needed for a transaction.


We can utilize the RPC websocket endpoint to connect and subscribe to blocks as they are ingested. You can also backfill from a certain block number, which is useful when you have a persistent stream and want to be able to resume from a certain number.

async for block in Block.subscribe_from(20_000_000):
    # print the number and their tx count
    print(block.number, len(block.transactions))

Additional Methods#

There are a few other methods supported by most RPCs that are blocks related:

from eth_typing import HexStr

await Block.get_block_transaction_count(20_000_000)
await Block.load_by_number(20_000_000, with_tx_data=False)
await Block.get_number()  # get current block number
await Block.latest()
await Block.pending()
await Block.load_by_hash(